Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Simon Hammann  [14.01.25]

23. Januar 2025 | 17:15 Uhr | Hörsaal Ö1

Lipids everywhere

Lipids are an integral of virtually all food and have marked influence on the caloric value, taste and flavour, and are also frequently connected with positive health effects. Many lipids are highly susceptible to oxidation, particularly during storage or processing of food. This leads to altered structural and bioactivity profiles of the food lipid fraction, impacting food safety and quality. This lecture will highlight how lipids and lipid oxidation products can be used as analytical probes for safety, quality and authenticity of food as well as ancient diets.

Prof. Dr. Simon Hammann leitet seit Sommersemester 2024 das Fachgebiet Lebensmittelchemie und Analytische Chemie (170a) am Institut für Lebensmittelchemie. Zur Antrittsvorlesung mit anschließendem Umtrunk laden wir herzlich ein.

Prof. Dr. Jan Frank
– Dekan –

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