
A habilitation is the highest academic qualification in Germany and usually a prerequisite for holding a professorship at a university within Germany. However, as of 2002 a habilitation is no longer mandatory for holding a professorship, which may also be obtained by way of a junior professorship or a post-doc grant.

The habilitation procedure assesses whether you are capable of representing the range of your field in its entirety, both in research and teaching. By attaining habilitation you are further awarded the right to teach a specific discipline or sub-discipline at a university (so-called „venia legendi“). Only then are you eligible for carrying the title Privatdozentin or Privatdozent (PD).

Once the habilitation is awarded, you commit to give a weekly two-hour course during the lecture period.

Information on the habilitation process

About three years before the planned opening of the habilitation examination process, the habilitation candidates present the status of their research in a lecture open to the public at the university. This lecture will be evaluated by a small committee appointed by the Habilitation Committee. Habilitation candidates then receive suggestions for the further progress of their project.

The habilitation committee decides on requests to open the habilitation examination process. The documents for opening a habilitation exam process must be submitted to the Dean's Office at least three weeks before a meeting of the Habilitation Committee.

A checklist with the documents to be submitted can be found in the implementation provisions.

The written habilitation work (monograph or cumulative habilitation thesis) is submitted with the application for opening the exam process. Three reviewers and the members of the habilitation committee decide on the acceptance of the written habilitation thesis.

Methodical, didactic, and subject-area skills are demonstrated in a lecture open to university members. Directly after this lecture, the habilitation committee decides on the completion of the habilitation.

The inaugural lecture concludes the habilitation procedure. After the lecture, the certificates of teaching authorization and habilitation are awarded. From this point on, the title "Privatdozentin" or "Privatdozent” may be used.


Habilitation scholarships support habilitation students during the period of research. They are awarded by universities and private institutions.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Ms. Valeska Beck (Managing Director) via email to: