Studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences


Learning by research

In our Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in biology, nutrition, and food science, we offer a comprehensive basic science education in the lecture hall and laboratory.

In addition, there are numerous specialization options with teaching content from current research.

On our website "Institutes and other scientific facilities" you will get an overview of our fields of expertise. We have compiled our main research areas for you on the website "Research at the Faculty of Natural Sciences".

Interdisciplinary cooperation

Our range of courses, which is strongly focused on research and applied knowledge, is complemented by engaging collaborative projects.

Together with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, we offer the Bachelor's program in Agricultural Biology, the Master's program in Bioeconomy is offered by all Hohenheim faculties, and we conduct both the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Food Chemistry together with the University of Stuttgart.

We offer Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Biology as part of teacher education programs for high schools.